18 yýl önce bir aile þirketi olarak kurulan nakliyat firmamýz geliþen koþullarla birlikte evden eve taþýmacýlýðý ana nakliyat kolumuz olarak benimsemiþtir.
Bunun nedeni Evden Eve Taþýmacýlýkta uzmanlýk faktörünün ön planda olmasý ve bunu kadro ve
Company Type
Established Year
Annual Revenue
0-1 Million US$
Products & Services
evden eve nakliyat.nakliyat.depolama.evden eve.nakliye.taþýmacýlýk.istanbul evden eve nakliyat.
Last Update: 12.12.2011 To update to this company information.Please Login
All the information is provided by the company itself . Turkindex- Telmar shall NOT guarantee the accuracy of these informations. Turkindex- Telmar shall however not be held responsible for any inaccuracy in the company information.